Gobar Upla

Rs. 159.00

Gobar or Gomaya more commonly known as Cow Dung is hand-made Gobar Upla dry cakes. It has medicinal, religious and quintessential applications in Ayurveda and Hindu puja/havans.

Cow dung envelopes fragrances of any kind into itself making the surroundings pure and odour free. It is believed that nothing can overcome the power of Gomaya. It is ever-enriching, and strengthens as it dries and monitors all five elements of life.

It is customary to chant the following mantra whenever Gomaya is used - including during the making of Panchagavya.

"Gandhadwaaram Duraadarshanam, Nityapushtaam Karishineem, Eashwareem Sarva Bhootaanaam, Twameha Upashraye Shreeyam".